No meu tempo as coisas eram diferentes
In my time things were different
Co.op Editora
Quando jogou videogame pela primeira vez, Dinho não imaginou o quanto aquela diversão eletrônica influenciaria a sua vida. Agora, adulto, casado e trabalhando com vídeos sobre jogos, ele conta como viu nascer os principais consoles, a popularidade dos fliperamas e o tempo das locadoras, além de outros segmentos de entretenimento, como os desenhos animados, RPG, card game e a chegada da internet. A cultura geek foi o veículo que ele encontrou para enfrentar problemas e conhecer amigos e amores que estão com ele até hoje.
When he played a video game for the first time, Dinho did not imagine how much that electronic entertainment would influence his life. Now an adult, married and working with video games, he tells how the main consoles were born, the popularity of arcades and the time of the video game rental companies, as well as other entertainment segments, such as cartoons, RPG, card games and the arrival of the Internet. The geek culture was the vehicle he found to face problems and meet friends and loves that are still today with him.
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Este foi o livro em que mais me diverti ao confecionar em anos.
Por conta disso, publico junto à capa as demais propostas apresentadas. Autor e editora gostaram das três, mas, evidentemente, precisaram escolher uma.
Por conta disso, publico junto à capa as demais propostas apresentadas. Autor e editora gostaram das três, mas, evidentemente, precisaram escolher uma.
This was the book I had the most fun making it in years.
As a result, in addition to the cover, I publish the other layouts that were proposed. Both author and publisher liked all three. But, of course, they had to choose one.
As a result, in addition to the cover, I publish the other layouts that were proposed. Both author and publisher liked all three. But, of course, they had to choose one.