Ó, o globo!
Onipresente nas praias e engarrafamentos do Rio de Janeiro, o biscoito Globo é um símbolo da cidade. Faz parte da memória afetiva e do jeito de ser dos cariocas. Metade da tiragem do livro foi impressa nas cores da embalagem do biscoito salgado. A outra metade, nas cores do doce.
Omnipresent on the beaches and traffic jams in Rio de Janeiro, the Globo biscuit is a symbol of the city. It is part of the carioca’s affective memory and way of being. Half of the book edition was printed in the colors of the package of the salt biscuit. The other half, in the colors of the sweet one.
Omnipresent on the beaches and traffic jams in Rio de Janeiro, the Globo biscuit is a symbol of the city. It is part of the carioca’s affective memory and way of being. Half of the book edition was printed in the colors of the package of the salt biscuit. The other half, in the colors of the sweet one.