Saquarema sete três
Saquarema seven three
Tinta Negra
‘Bom dia, eu matei um homem no verão de 1973, em Saquarema. Sei que você não me conhece e nem me perguntou nada, mas é que eu precisava tirar isso de dentro do peito. Nunca contei esse segredo a ninguém e já faz tanto tempo… Você não tem idade para ter conhecido o morto, portanto, não se preocupe demais. Espero não ter estragado o seu dia.’ Este é o primeiro parágrafo do livro. A história de um brasileiro que vai morar em Paris e conhece, no metrô, o seu algoz. A partir dessa abordagem, o protagonista embarca em uma jornada obsessiva em que busca desvendar os detalhes do suposto segredo que lhe foi confidenciado dentro do vagão.
'Good morning, I killed a man in the summer of 1973 in Saquarema. I know you don’t know me and didn’t ask me anything, but I just needed to get it out of my chest. I've never told this secret to anyone and it's been so long... You're not old enough to have met the dead man, so don’t worry too much. I hope I have not ruined your day.' This is the book’s first paragraph. The story of a Brazilian who lives in Paris and knows, in the subway, his tormentor. From this approach, the protagonist embarks on an obsessive journey in which he seeks to unravel the details of the supposed secret that was confided to him inside the wagon.
'Good morning, I killed a man in the summer of 1973 in Saquarema. I know you don’t know me and didn’t ask me anything, but I just needed to get it out of my chest. I've never told this secret to anyone and it's been so long... You're not old enough to have met the dead man, so don’t worry too much. I hope I have not ruined your day.' This is the book’s first paragraph. The story of a Brazilian who lives in Paris and knows, in the subway, his tormentor. From this approach, the protagonist embarks on an obsessive journey in which he seeks to unravel the details of the supposed secret that was confided to him inside the wagon.