O nome da rosa
The name of the rose
Em um mosteiro italiano do século XIV, paira a suspeita de que os monges estejam cometendo heresias. O frei Guilherme de Baskerville é, então, enviado para investigar o caso. Sua missão, entretanto, ganha novos rumos após os assassinatos de sete monges, em circunstâncias insólitas.
In a 14th-century Italian monastery there is a suspicion that the monks are committing heresies. Brother William of Baskerville is then sent to investigate the case. His mission, however, takes on new directions following the deaths of seven monks under unusual circumstances.
In a 14th-century Italian monastery there is a suspicion that the monks are committing heresies. Brother William of Baskerville is then sent to investigate the case. His mission, however, takes on new directions following the deaths of seven monks under unusual circumstances.